ALIENS: World of Darkness (version2)

By Steve Kok (

"Science fiction plucks from within us our deepest fears and hopes, then shows them to us in rough disguise: the monster and the rocket."

"We live, as we dream -- alone."

Author's notes

Alien Drone


Alien Queen's Guard

Alien Queen

Alien-Canine Breed ("Dragon" from Alien 3)

Willpower: 9


Birthing Process

  1. A Queen Alien lays an egg containing a Facehugger
  2. The Facehugger emerges when proper prey is available
  3. The Facehugger attaches itself to the prey and inserts the necessary Alien "bits" into the prey; during this time the Facehugger also reworks the hosts anatomy, making it more resistant to environmental dangers (add +2 Stamina to the host).
  4. The Facehugger dies and detaches.
  5. The Alien pupa grows, stealing some DNA structures from the hosts DNA, and feeding subtley from the host's organic matter.
  6. After the incubation period of 12-24 hours passes, the Alien larva will attempt to break free of the host. This takes only one turn and deals 8 dice of aggravated damage to the host, needing at least five successes to escape.
  7. The young Alien flees to a safe area and grows to full size within 12 hours, during and after which it will attempt to feed from any living creature save its own kind. As the young Alien will be weak during this time begin with a -4 modifier on all roles, increasing the abilities by 1 each hour passing.
  8. If there are no Queen Aliens present the larva will develop Queen physiology. If this happens the host will pass out 12-24 hours after the Facehugger falls off, and will begin to develop into a human cocoon (See "Giger's Alien" for representation). Four hours following this the host will complete the transformation to cocoon. 12 hours later the Queen larva will emerge and grow. If the larva feels that it may not make it to this stage it may attempt to emerge prematurely (As in the finale to Alien 3) but may have extreme problems in growth and may be deformed or malformed.



Aliens Marines

World of Darkness Integration