
Stability reflects how far the Faerie has been able to stave off the decline into sheer randomness and pointless behavior that usually claims most faeries eventually. Their link to the Wyld eventually consumes them.

Each Court teaches you to build stability in different ways. They have different "Hiearchies of sins". Faeries who voluntarily breach their Court's code must make a check on the appropriate virtue (Difficulty 6). On a failure, they lose no stability. On a success, they lose a point of stability and of the virtue. If they get a success on all their virtue dice, they get a derangement as well.

Given that Faeries are creatures of great passions, they must use their virtues to control those passions. Otherwise they may act on impulse, rather than on common sense. Faeries do not actually frenzy, but go into a state of obsession that is similar in some ways. They will ignore everything but the goal of that obsession until they have accomplished it. They must spend willpower to turn aside from that goal. One Willpower point can be spent to negate a fear obsession, to set aside a revenge obsession for a scene, or to resist an anger obsession for one round. Obsessions last until you achieve your goal or spend five willpower points. You need make no more obsession checks while you are obsessed. At the end of a scene you can make a check again on the virtue to break out of the obsession.

Compassion: Faeries are noted for vengeful rages when they have been tricked or robbed. They don't appreciate such things. A failed compassion check results in an obsession with getting revenge on that person, to the exclusion of all else.


3--Someone accidentally thwarts part of your plan.
5--Someone deliberately thwarts part of your scheme.
6--Someone robs you.
7--Someone goes out of their way to wreck your life.
8--They destroy something important to you

Honor: Faeries respond poorly to provocation and insults against their honor. But the more secure a faerie is in his honor, the more he can bear with such insults if it is necessary. A faerie who fails a Honor check falls into a vengeful rage....similar to a vampire or werewolf frenzy. She no longer suffers from wound penalties until she comes out of the obsession. The obsession ends automatically if the target is rendered unconscious or killed.


4--Insulted by someone you consider above you
5--Being provoked to violence by someone
6--Insulted by an equal; target of Prolonged Taunting
7--Insulted by an inferior

Fearlessness: Faeries fear two things...Iron and the Power of True Faith. Holy items empowered with True Faith can force faeries to flee, as can the presence of Iron. (Although not Steel...) A faerie who fails the check will flee until he can no longer sense what has caused his flight.


4--Know that the substance is nearby, but unable to see/hear/smell it.
5--Sense Iron/True Faith within 100 yards
6--Sense Iron/True Faith within 10 yds.
7--Touched by a person/Item with True Faith
8--Touched by Iron
9--Injured by Iron/An Item blessed by True Faith/A person with true faith

A faerie with a Stability of 6 or less makes mortals, most Garou (except Fianna), Mages, and Vampires uncomfortable. He loses one die off social interaction for every point of stability under 7.

Stability itself is used to resist Arcadian time distortion, to create or maintain Arcadian realms, and certain other purposes.

Seelie Court

The Seelie play by a medieval code of chivalry. Armed Robbery is okay, but theft by stealth or deceit is not. Loyalty, and your word and oath are all important.

Stability is Compassion+Honor

Stability loss caused by

10: Violating the spirit of a promise or oath, even one extorted from you

9: Accidental wrongdoing

8: Failing in a task assigned by your Lord or to protect innocents

7: Violating the word of a promise or oath, freely given

6: Failing to aid those less fortunate than you

5: Abandoning the defense of a post assigned by your lord

4: Breaking any law of your liege

3: Failure to accept a surrender, Committing a Theft

2: Murder or Rape

1: Betraying your Lord, Violating the spirit of a promise or oath

Unseelie Court

The unseelie follow a darker form of Chivalry. Vengeance is their highest virtue. They believe that gaining personal power is the way to win the game, but they are organized in feudal fashion. They also enjoy exploring pain and the darker emotions in an aesthetic sense.

Stability is Honor+Fearlessness

Stability loss caused by:

10: Mercy to an enemy

9: Not torturing an enemy before he dies

8: Passing up an opportunity to gain power

7: Failing to seek revenge for a broken promise

6: Breaking the Spirit of a Promise

5: Breaking the word of a promise

4: Helping someone without an ulterior motive

3: Stopping someone else from committing torture

2: Forgiving an enemy

1: Acts of Charity without an ulterior motive

Dryadic Court

The protection of the wilderness is the key to victory. You must protect the wilderness and its inhabitants from unnatural threats, like hunters, urban development, etc. Those who act in attunement with the wilderness are okay, anyone else is unimportant and can be disposed of at will if they threaten the wilderness and its creatures. The dryadic court has strong ties to the Garou and other shifter-kin.

Stability is Compassion+Fearlessness

Stability loss caused by:

10: Any failure to defend the wilderness from desecration

9: Starting a fire in a forest with wood that wasn't already dead or failure to properly take care to avoid a forest fire

8: littering in the wilderness

7: Failure to speak in defense of preservation of wilderness

6: Hunting an animal for fun or just for a trophy

5: Destroying a plant, other than for food or self-preservation

4: Cruelty to animals

3: Destroying Wilderness to build something

2: Plundering the wilderness

1: Destroying wilderness for fun

Tinker Court

Whoever builds the best/biggest toy wins! The key to the rules for the Tinkers is the invention of new devices, and the improvement of old ones. Tinkers are discouraged from interfering with each other's work...This is just too dangerous when Tinker devices are concerned. What you do with the rest of your life is your own affair...but you should always strive to learn more about machines, and not destroy the machines of others.

Stability is Honor+Fearlessness

Stability loss caused by:

10: Failing to spend at least three hours a day working on inventions

9: Failing to explain your inventions whenever you demonstrate them

8: Failing to take apart at least one of every new machine you find

7: Not trying to learn more about new machines you encounter

6: refusing to share your knowlege about machines

5: Not spending at least 30 hours a week tinkering and experimenting

4: Destroying a machine without studying it first

3: Solving a problem with brute force where a machine could do it

2: Sabotaging anyone's experiments with machines.

1: Sabotaging a fellow Tinker's experiments

Romany Court

What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, if you can get it away from me...The game is to be won by showing you are the best trickster of all. If you can fool someone, it is your moral duty to do so! But you shouldn't hurt people. Never leave a poor man penniless or steal someone's only food...But if they can afford to lose it, it is okay to take it. The Romany hold very much to the traditional faerie concept of possessions (See Faerie customs section)

Stability is Honor+Fearlessness

Stability loss caused by:

10: Failing to prank someone who deserves it, regardless of danger

9: Failure to be charming

8: Being caught lying, stealing, running off with someone's man/woman.

7: Failure to prank someone when it involves no risk

6: paying for something you could have stolen without hurting anyone

5: losing your temper

4: Hurting someone who wasn't trying to hurt someone

3: Accidentally killing someone

2: Stealing from the poor

1: Murder

Seeker Court

The seekers see the key to victory in the game as being gaining knowlege. The two most important things are to learn new things and spread the knowlege to others...Do whatever it takes to gain knowlege....Killing is frowned on, although sometimes necessary.

Stability is Honor+Fearlessness

Stability loss caused by:

10: Failing to take an opportunity to learn

9: Refusing a request for knowlege from an enemy

8: Failing to spend at least an hour a day writing down things you have learned that day

7: Avoiding a learning experience because it is dangerous

6: Concealing Knowlege

5: Refusing to share Knowlege with a friend

4: Murder for Knowlege

3: Murder

2: Hiding Knowlege from fellow seekers

1: Spreading False information (about anything besides yourself)

Aesthete Court

It is through the creation of beauty, in yourself and other things that the Game will be won. The more beauty you create, the better. The highest pursuit is the creation of art. Art must be judged for its own sake and on its own merits, not that of the creator of the art.

Stability is Compassion+Honor

Stability loss caused by:

10: Failing to be personally attractive

9: Behaving in an aesthetically unpleasing manner (Spitting, throwing up, smearing dirt on yourself, etc)

8: Badmouthing worthy art for personal reasons (such as dislike of the artist)

7: Failure to spend an hour a day in creative pursuits.

6: Destroying Art for a greater good

5: Concealing Art from public view

4: Injuring an artist or Aesthete

3: Destroying Art needlessly

2: Murder

1: Killing an Artist or fellow Aesthete

Ascetic court:

The ascetics are seen as complete weirdos by other faeries. They try to deny their faery nature by being in control of their bodies and emotions at all time. They stress control of your emotions and bodily desires. It is by winning over temptation that you will win the game.

Stability is honor+Fearlessness

Stability loss caused by:

10: Any display of emotion

9: Eating or sleeping more than is necessary

8: Drinking any liquid with stimulant or depressant effects (Coke, Alcoholic beverages, tea, etc.)

7: Failing to attempt to discourage others from overindulgence

6: Display of anger, hate, greed, jealousy, or confusion

5: Display of love, lust, hunger, fear (and other primal emotions...)

4: Theft

3: Wearing elaborate clothing or owning luxury goods

2: Killing other than in self-defense

1: Indulging in physical pleasures (sex, drunkeness, gluttony, etc.)

Guardian Court:

The guardian court believes the faeries have a duty to protect and aid those who perform the traditional rites associated with seeking the protection of faerie kind. Typically, this involves leaving some of whatever you produce for the faeries to take, leaving food for them, periodically thanking them for their assistance, and helping them when they need your services. In return, the Guardians will help you in your labors, clean your dwelling, perform various special services, and defend you from supernatural threats. Those who abandon these duties lose the protection of the guardian court. They "earn points" by helping those who are worthy...

Stability is Compassion+Fearlessness

Stability loss caused by:

10: Ignoring a person in need when it would take minimal effort to aid them.

9: Inflicting accidental injury to people, property, or land.

8: Ignoring a worthy person in need when it would take minimal effort to aid them.

7: Failing to aid someone who has performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assistance when it would not require much effort.

6: Damage to the property or land of someone who has performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assistance.

5: Failure to protect those who have performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assitance.

4: Failing to aid someone who has performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assistance.

3: Theft from those who have performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assitance.

2: Assaulting those who have performed the traditional duties of those who expect faerie assitance.

1: Murder