
By Dagon (15 September 1995)

Allegiance: Nearly always unseelie nobility

Story: Daemons are not truly infernal. They fall fully under the Laws and logic of faerie and are generally powerful of faerie kin. They are also called Djinn. Daemons only externally imitate, to some extent, the infernal reaches, -- they consider real devils, demons, not to mention malfeans the epitome of distasteful vulgarity. Daemons nearly always have class and their evil is more a prop than a metaphysical trait. Some can (by accident) show mercy, but are quick to hide it behind honor.

Appearance: Daemons are nearly always beautiful horned humanoids. Most would pass for athletic, beautiful humans, though most are horned and have abnormal skincolor. The odd daemon has reptilian scales, hooves, leathery wings, though few are outright ugly. Daemons are the sum of Unseelie evil: chivalric, cold and treacherous, but are nearly always charming in a grizzly manner. Nobody knows what to expect of Daemons, and in insecurity lies fear.


Childlings: Childling daemons generally look impish. Most Seelie daemons are still childlings, but the Unseelie ones are filled with vicious pranks. Their horns are still undeveloped and some may pass for satyrs.

Wilder: Wilder daemons definitely look diabolical, and most have several devilish features. They are often quite dramatical and heroic in their roles.

Grumps: Grumps look positively devilish. If they are ugly their are truly hideous, and if their are beautiful, they would bring tears to the eyes of a Setite.

Lifestyles: Daemons live as recluses. They are active with intrigue, plots, arcane mysteries, adventures and darker, more unspeakable things. It is possible Daemons are nothing but actors, playing a dark and omnious role all their lives. Hence their abodes are befitting for the regional lord of Darkness. Most grumps retire in castles.

Affinity: Scene

Birthrights: Daemons are highly resistant to fire and cold. They soak double damage from any of these sources and this damage is never aggravated damage. Daemons have very advanced physical profiles, potentially quite high

physical and mental attributes. Strength, Stamina, Appearance and Charisma have a maximum of 6, either generated in the beginning or developed in time.

Frailties: Daemons are nearly always evil in a theatrical manner. They will wear black armor, vicious weapons, theatrical props of wickedness, vileness and will prefer to speak in droning shakespearean dialogue. Rarely, if ever will they resort to gentle (apparent) passions of mirth -- not unless there is treachery, lust or some hidden, base wickedness involved. This might be due to an inner, hidden evil in their hearts, or because of love for their unseelie nature. Daemons generally remain Unseelie for most of their lives and would never, ever settle for being commoners. If daemons fall to Bedlam, they are unmistakable for real devils and become really vicious.

Quote: "..My fair lady, lest my heart shatter into a million crystals of pure anguish, grant me a final smile, before I draw by blade and bloody it on the vermin that (etcetera).."