By David Kircher (

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  1. These "dragons" do not breath fire nor do they do not have scales, and they do not have a tail, except when in a frenzy. In a frenzy, a totally random effect will happen that is up to the storyteller; the player has no control over this, the effects may include minor transfromations, e.g. a stubby tail, a snake like tongue, larger ears, claws, and always an added bonus of 1 to strength and stamina.

  2. These kindred/kith have no choice about walking in sunlight like vampires with fortitude. If one ray hits them; they will instantly be in the stone state described above. They are still afraid of fire, but no longer have to fear a rotschreck, and fire only does regular wounds. They are still very afraid of fire, but rather than an insanity, it's merely a phobia.
  3. These kindred/kith are disliked by almost all of vampire society, but as long as they stay in hiding, no-one will really care. It is totally legal in the masquerade to diablerize a "dragon," in addidtion to this, in changeling society they are shunned but not as badly. The Seelie hate them, but the Unseelie will just usually never give them the benefit of the doubt.

  4. A major advantage of this clan is that the kindred/kith can now have changeling powers and vampire disciplines, but the only clan discipline for the dragon clan is fortitude.
  5. if a player makes a "dragon" from character creation, like all normal characters, he must choose a clan. Vampires would choose vampire clans and fae would choose changeling clans, but a player making a dragon must choose 1 changeling clan and 1 vampire clan and take the natural disadvantages and advantages from both. For example, if a player chose the redcap kith and the malkavian clan, he would have any disadvantages a redcap would have, and the derangement from being malkavian, but since all redcaps can eat anything they can fit their mouths around, it would be considered something that the newly created character could keep as an advantage, but he would not keep the clan disciplines/arts. He may of course keep any disciplines/arts he chooses during his creation and in the case of an already created character turning to a "dragon" he would keep all arts already learned.
  6. This kith/kindred has a mixture of the outlooks of the clans he chooses except that they generally look down upon champires as kindred wannabes.