By Thom Scott (

The Eirinn (to avoid confusion) are the inheritors of the proud Milesian tradition, the Celtic magi-warriors who dwelled between the worlds. Being based in a separate realm from Earth they have suffered little from the pogrom and in fact are dismissed by the Techncracy as deluded Verbena offshoots, not the powerful force they are.

The Eirinn were one of two classes of ancient celtic warrior. A code of honour and the favor of the gods made them the subject of legend. When at long last they were no longer needed they retired to the umbal realm of their past and Arcadia.

They are a frightening force to behold. They emerge from the Umbra without warning, fighting the Nephandi, Wyrm minions, fomori, and technocracy alike. They strike hard and fade back to the umbra.

Only recently have they made forays into the world for social reason. They emerged to find their name usurped by a tribe of werewolves who had played a role in a great repression of mankind while they were gone called the Impergium. For many years the standing order on strikes was that if Werewolves got in the way, they were targets. Recently, though, the true situation has become clear that not all of the Garou (werewolves) were behind or even fully in support of the impergium and tentative peace measures have been made to the Garou Fianna and the Garou have been responsive.

Philosophy: These new Fomori are as evil as the old that we fought millennia ago. They serve an even more evil master. We will stop them. The technocracy are also our enemies for their actions to destroy magick and limit our movement across the worlds. Magick is still easier in our ancestral lands, they have not completely broken the belief in the art in the celtic lands, but we still find reality tries to resist us even here. We shall break the Technomancers one day and return the art to the people of the world so they may truly find Ascension.

Organization: The Eirinn are organized into bands of clanless warrior magi usually 5-10 in size. On a strike several bands will operate together

Meetings: Informal festivals on the eight sabbats. No regular meetings above the band level otherwise.

Initiation: The Eirinn rarely recruit from the Earth, prefering the people of their own realm for the bulk of their forces. Even when a promising candidate from earth is taken in, they are trained in the Fianna realm

Chantry: A realm in the umbra populated by descendants of the ancient celts. The technology is a bohemian mix of modern tech altered to run on magick. The people of the Fianna realm have begun tring to keep an eye on the world but culturaly are still very close to nature.

Acolytes: Celts, martial artists, Wiccans, anyone of a naturalist mindset.

Sphere: Spirit


Quote: "We have been gone too long and see that we never should have left. Call us fools if you must, but we have one resource you do not: We can destroy them, They cannot find us. We will save this world from them."


Akashic Brotherhood: They fight for the world, in that they are our brethren. but they do not see all of the enemies before them.

Celestial Chorus: True Ascension lies in the empowerment of all not their subsumation into a mockery of spirit.

Cult of Ecstasy: Pity. There are a few worthwhile in this group but most are sadly wasted potential.

Discordians: Though they revel in choas they have potential as great allies for their unpredictability.

Euthanatos: As is said on earth, if you can't say anything nice, you must be discussing these monsters.

Hollow ones: If they can be reached, bring them to the fold: they can use our protection, we can use their power.

Order of Hermes: They are too scholarly but they put their power to good use...usually.

Runecasters: Our brothers to the north, we fought both with and against their ancestors. We know and respect them. If they need help, they need only ask.

Sons of Ether: They are not the warriors in this war but they will be important once the war ends - Their technology is not the abomination to the world that the Technocracy is.

Technolibertarians: Like the Sons of ether, when the war ends we will welcome them in the efforts to rebuild.

Verbena: They are a darker shadow of our own tradition, but as distastful as they are, they are necesary.

Virtual adepts: They have potential, if they would but apply it

Wikka: When the battle end and great glory has gone to the warrior, it is time for greater glory to go to the healer. They are always welcome among us.

Necromancers: Abominations. Destroy them whereever they are found and all their corrupt pages.

Sons of Jupiter: Dark as they are and fractious, support them. They fight the same war on a different front. However, they do not have the luxury of the realm to fall back upon. And often pay a more personal price.

Wanderers: They do not fight as we do, but they are forgiven. When the war ends they will have the wisdom to lead and counsel all.

Time Lords: Non-intervention my arse. The ones who do intervene make a damn big difference in this war.

Cerebus: Weird but effective warriors...when they choose to be

Blacksmith: Our friends, brothers, armorers, and comrades in arms. The steel they work is nothing to that from which they are made.