Golden Fertiliser

By Anders Sandberg

Level one talisman

This potion is prepared by the Verbena through a complex process during the summer solstice, where the vital force of summer and growth is distilled into the cauldron. The result is small vials of a golden liquid smelling strongly of flowers and glittering strangely in sunlight. It is filled with Quintessence, and speeds up the growth of plants immensely. If given in a diluted solution, it will just work as a fantastic fertiliser, making even the driest garden bloom in a short while. If a few drops of the potion are poured into the soil beneath a plant, it will begin to grow at an fantastic rate, reaching adult size within a few hours or days. If more is poured, the growth will become even quicker and the plant will grow to giant size; a whole vial could easily create dandelions the size of trees. Unfortunately such quick growth also shortens the lifespan of the plant, and it will die within hours or days.

[To create this potion, the Verbena uses Prime 3 to concentrate quintessence from the node around her into the Cauldron and bind it with a Life 2 Time 3 spell to enhance plant growth. Some have experimented with a similar potion for animal growth, but the result were quite unreliable. This has not deterred some Sons of Ether who constantly try to replicate it. ]