By Sauron (mmoks@hotmail.com)

Clan Gollum is really a version of Clan Toreador. The whole thing started in 1359, when a 7th gen. Toreador called Counstaine Souffleur was abducted by the Nosferatu in Marseille. He was held captive in a chamber completely filled with water, a long way down in the Marseille underground. In this time, he fed on fish that lived all the way underground. As time went on, he became more and more in control of water. This power became the discipline of Aquatella. His appearance dropped to zero because of his constant contact with water. This is not a clan weakness, just one for Constaine. In 1944, toxic waste came into the chamber, and Constaine gained exceptional powers. He broke out of the chamber, and using his new powers, slaughtered and diablerized most of the Nosferatu in Marseille.

In the period of 1944-1960, he Embraced three new Gollum, who all learned Aquatella, a Toreador discipline and a Nosferatu discipline. These became leaders of a troupe each. Each troupe has from 10-20 members. The first, the troupe of Aqua, is led by Jean-Claude Souffleur They posesses the powers of Aquatella, Animalism and Presense. Their task is to try to get the Gollum accepted by the Toreador. The other troupe, the troupe of Power, is led by Zinedine Souffleur. They posess the powers of Aquatella, Celerity and Potence. They are the ones who lead Nossie-razzias, as they call it. They exorcise whole colonies of Nosferatu The third troupe, the troupe of Spies, is led by Fabienne Souffleur. They posess the powers of Aquatella, Auspex and Obfuscate. They are the ones who spy on the Nosferatu and know where they live.

Constaine is just called Master by the Gollum. He doesn't know much about the vampiric society today, but the younger Gollum have found out something of it by their own.

The Gollum never present themselves as Gollum, they always present themselves as Toreador. They got the name from when Jean-Claude first presented himself as clan Toreador. A Toreador neonate smartass just threw the comment: "You're no fucking Toreador. You look more like Gollum (from the Lord of the Rings) to me." In some kind of way, he mysteriously disappeared the same day.





Character Creation

Preferred Backgrounds

Clan Disciplines


