Jo Hart (jhart@elijah.ee.ic.ac.uk) (21 August 1995)

These small sociable creature are lovers of the deeps. Most usually found around mineshafts, they have more recently been migrating to cities, in search of the precious minerals they crave.

Their mixing with mortals is variable to say the least. Even the most Seelie tends to have a rather determined love of crude practical jokes that are not appreciated by most. The most usual response to a kobold joke by anyone except another kobold is 'Was that supposed to be funny?' (other kobolds will of course be rolling on the floor in hysterics). It is partly because of this that they are often seen as being rather dim.

Despite this, they are notoriously cunning bargainers, and often deal in dross in the form of finely worked minerals. A kobold in love will attempt to present the object of desire with beautifully wrought/stolen gifts as well as other items the kobold fondly feels that his/her beloved will find desirable...

They prefer to stick together and gang up in group hideouts and caves which they defend fiercely, although the rare few with the adventuring instinct will spend more time on the surface.

Able to sense precious minerals and to move through solid rock, they have been known by mineworkers for centuries and the old customs of leaving crumbs out for the kobolds (or 'knockers') are still kept. The kobolds like the attention.. and if the small proprieties are missed out can go into a form of group hysteria and tear down mineshafts (usually by knocking out the roof supports). They have also been known to help guide lost miners back to the main shafts.. and to warn of impending collapses. Typically an experienced miner will be able to tell from the sound and intensity of the knocking that echoes around mineshafts if the kobolds are in a good mood or not.

Despite the well-deserved reputation as little terrorists, kobolds have a deep-down sense of nurturing and once a kobold has 'adopted' a person/place/ object/animal, it will defend it to the death (even if said object does not wish to be defended). They also play 'tricks' on their protectorate, which doesn't always lead to popularity.


Generally grey-skinned with no bodily hair although some can have delicate, sculpted features. Grumps in particular will tend to have segments of minerals colouring the basic skin (eg. a gold nose, or hematite shimmering on the thumb).

Childlings: Often small and sleek, they enjoy scaring mortals. A childling left to its own devices is capable of decimating a treasury.. so they are usually carefully watched.

Wilders: The seeming already has a more 'rocky' outline to it. They run in unruly gangs and alternately terrorise and patronise miners/metal-workers (or anyone else). The more adventurous ones will dare almost any danger or ignore almost any authority if they stand to gain a particularly renowned piece of dross.

Grumps: Typically if a kobold grump sits very still, it may be near indistinguishable from the rocks behind them. They tend to either be in charge of groups of kobolds (ruling in a rather fascist way) or as solitary hermits and advisors. Many do take up metal-work and produce incredibly delicate jewelry (for this reason they are often made welcome at Court when they wander in).

Affinity: Nature


Stonekin: A kobold can, by spending a point of glamour, move through solid rock/element. This is a slow process, rather like swimming, and the kobold can only stay 'under' for as long as it can hold its breath. They are also able to sense pure minerals (either seams in the rock or mined and worked minerals) at a distance which varies with the amount and type of element. Precious metals are a particular draw. It is a side-effect of this ability that when used, part of the kobold will take on the aspect of the rock/mineral -- and a small amount of the element will have been removed.

Toughness: All kobolds get an extra dot of soak dice (ie armour) vs chimerical weapons to reflect the toughness of their skin. Grumps get 2 extra dots.


Assimilate: Kobolds have to roll willpower vs 6 to avoid 'acquiring' precious metals/ gemstones when the opportunity arises.