By Killjoy LePal (20 Jan 1995)

The Lacconians were not really the first attempt by the Setites. The first attempt died on the platter. The next few were slugs which did nothing but eat. But finally, they created a clan which could work on it's own. They took up a Tremere named Laccon and warped him, mind and body. He came out physically fine, but when he first embraced, he died for inexplicable reasons. This one, however, survived, and created a small group of Sub-Tremere. They were told to subvert Tremere clan and attempt to control as much as possible.

Three years after their creation, their creation being in the 1700's, they disappeared form Setite view. No one even knew what was amongst them. All in all, the Lacconians are desperately trying to be Tremere, and have no real major personal organization.

Nickname: (Intentionally left blank)

Appearance: Lacconians look like Tremere in every respect. They also act and carry themselves like Tremere.

Haven: Any large, non-descript, and unobtrusive warehouse will do.

Background: The secretive, mystical, and/or powerful are chosen. Those who have mystical background and are known for subterfuge are quickly taken up.

Character Generation: Mystic or Subversive concepts. Autist is a common Nature. Also common is the Conformist Demeanor. Mental or Social primary, as are Knowledges. Resources in the forms of libraries and magical paraphernalia are common. All Lacconians, due to the requirement of the Setites, are automatically take Immune to the Blood Bond.

Clan Disciplines: Dominate, Lacconis, Thaumaturgy

Weakness: They take twice the damage of sunlight as normal, and have a penalty of one to all dice pools while within bright light.

Gaining Clan Prestige: There is no Lacconian Clan Prestige. They try desperately to be Tremere, and to remove the Setite stain, but the closest to that they can get is to be counted with the rest.

Quote: "I beg your pardon. Did you call me 'Warlock'? I see." (Shouts ring out from the target.)


The Camarilla: I would like to make a toast to our "elders" who do not lift a finger to try to discover us. Fools.

What? Someone subverting the Tremere? You're mad! -Jean Simmonds, Tremere Ancillae

The Sabbat: A petty concern, but no real threat.

The Inconnu: Not even they have penetrated our secret. The Lacconian Tremere would make a useful weapon against the Setites, if we could get them to our side. -Prax, Fourth-Generation Gangrel

The Setites: Rats! How dare they profane the snakes with their powers?

We would crush them all but for the attention it would draw. Bah! They are worthless pawns anyway. -Sha-Tel, Setite of stripped status for Lacconian failure.

View Lacconis discipline.