Loki's Masks

Level 2 artifact

By Kirstin A. Hargie (kiri@sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu) (27 June 1995)

Loki had several Masks commissioned for an All Hallow's Party. The masks were given as favors to thirty guests, none of which Loki particularly enjoyed in his company. Upon placing the masks on their faces the visages of the guests were transformed into the visage of their last acquaintance. Not only did their faces change, but their corpus gradually shifted to their acquaintance's appearance. Loki teased his guests mercilessly as some reverted back to their former corpus while others tried in vain to remove the mask. On the eve of the 2nd of November, Loki finally relayed the key to removal of the mask, and the guests were promptly returned to their former corpus.

Loki's masks have been passed through time to various wraiths, but their abundance is extremely rare, and many masks have been occasionally purchased at astounding prices. The possessor of Loki's mask will shift corpus to that of the last acquaintance or full photo/statue/likeness observed. This shift takes about 1 hour. The wraith will remain in this state until Loki's key is turned (the expenditure of 3 Pathos, and 3 oboli to the Tempest), until the wraith touches the true likeness of the corpus, or until 3 maelstroms have passed. If the mask is worn for 3 maelstroms the mask will remove itself and disappear into the tempest, and the bearer will gain 2 points of permanent angst.