By ( (11 Oct 93)

Runecasters are the tribal shaman of the Norse tradition. They are warriors as well as seers, divining the futures of the people around them. In days of old, the Viking Lords would consult a Runecaster for word of the outcome of today's battle. Today, the Runecasters are a small tradition, waning in size from year to year. Many Runecasters, foreseeing the rise of the Techno- mancy, faded from the world before the Pogroms. Some threw themselves at the Technomancy in force--mad, berserker rage fuling their magickal fires. Of course, these Runecaster warriors inevitably died, but their true worth was shone (so the surviving Runecasters say) in the number of Technomancers they took with them into death.

All members of the Runecasters must use graven runes as the focus for all magic. These runes can be inscribed on weapons, stones, or even paper (although this is uncommon). The rune can be inscribed before the spell is cast, although it still must be utilized in some way during the spell (throwing the stone, or swinging the weapon, etc.) These runes add +1 to the initiative difficulty if prepared, and +3 if being inscribed during the spell. Unlike Other Foci, Runecasters cannot ever "buy off" their runes with higher levels of Arete. They must always use them.

Philosophy: We are the warriors of Fenris. We see the coming end of things, and those of us that remain will fight to the last man. our sight we give to those who are worthy, so that by our knowledge, they may shape the future that we see.

Organization: With so few Runecasters left, those that remain are isolated and rare.

Meetings: Non regular.

Initiation: Individual Runecasters pick a promising apprentice, and trains him or her (Usually him) on their own. This is done increasing- ly rarely, since the Runecasters foresee the end of things and as such see the training of new Acolytes as a waste of precious time.

Chantry: None

Acolytes: Scholars, soldiers.


Foci: Runes--All

Concepts: Berserker, Hermit, Norse historian, etc.

Quote: "I see the great serpent devouring the world. I shall join with Fenris the Wolf, and together we shall devour the Serpent at Ragnarok. You continue to strive, but that is because you do not See. I See and i Understand."


Akashic Brotherhood: True warriors all, but still they do not see.

Celestial Chorus: Seeking divinity is noble, but passive.

Cult of Ecstasy: They waste their talents on petty wants.

Dreamspeakers: They see the serpent, yet do not fight.

Euthanatos: Gods choose when men reach Valhalla, not men

Hollow Ones: These children only see Death. That is only the head of the serpent. but they could be useful in the end.

Order of Hermes:If they would take their noses from their charts and tomes, they would see, and perhaps be able to be a greater asset to the Struggle.

Sons of Ether: Were they not no ridiculous, they would be pawns of the Technocracy.

Verbena: They understand the might of Yggsdrasil, the tree of life. But they do not see the Serpent coiled around it's trunk.

Virtual Adepts: They are unwitting tools of the technomancers, fascinated by blinking lights.