
By Killjoy LePal, for the Blight bloodline.

* Warp Nature: Allows the alteration of any plant, or of a mass of ground about a cubic meter in area, for one Willpower.

** Cripple Animal: Requires one Willpower and a Willpower (stat, not current) vs. Strength+Stamina of the target animal, or it will be afflicted by the Crippled Flaw for the rest of it's life.

*** Warp Animal: Allows the alteration of an animal, as per Warp Nature. The user must roll as per Cripple Animal, spend a Willpower. The user cannot make any material appear from nothing, nor can she remove anything without physically cutting it off.

**** Cripple Cognizant: Works on any sentient. Costs two Willpower. Roll the usual roll. Duration is the amount of successes over the target's in days. The effect is the Crippled Flaw, as usual. ***** Cripple Mind: Inflicts Willpower damage, actually removing from a character's Permanent Willpower. The cost is four Willpower, and the roll is Willpower vs. Willpower. No matter how many successes over it goes, the effect is that the subject looses one Willpower as per a Botched Willpower roll.