By Tuesday Mourning (
System: By the way this path was designed using V:TM 3 as a guideline, though you probably won't have any trouble using it with the other versions. Also when including it in your game system it could be used as an addition to Thaumaturgy or a separate path for Vicissitude.
Duration: Regarding the period the doppelganger lasts. Since its origin is from the blood, simulacra may only exist as long as it has blood in its body. If its vitæ runs out it "dies" and crumbles away.
System: Over a period of several nights the user must fill a vat of blood with an amount of vitæ equal to his maximum blood pool rating. This is done at the rate of one blood point per night. Each night the user must chant for two hours (Stamina + Occult, Difficulty 5). On the final night the blood coagulates into a lifeless replica of the caster. If no other rituals are performed on the body or it is reduced to zero Health Levels it quickly reverts to its blood form. The double has all the Physical Attributes, Health Levels and Blood Points the caster had on the final night of the ritual.
System: By casting a half hour ritual on the simulacrum (Stamina + Occult, Difficulty 6) and spending one Willpower point, the vampire creates a link to his double. After all the usual damage calculating has been made the damage is halved. One half goes to the caster the other half goes to the simulacrum. If the simulacrum "dies" it quickly becomes a pool of blood. At this stage the simulacrum is still inanimate.
System: By spending half of his maximum Willpower points and chanting for half an hour (Stamina + Occult, Difficulty 7) the user splits his consciousness over two bodies. This effectively splits him in half too. All die pools are halved because of this. If one body dies the user switches back to the remaining body. Also the caster may still use Distribute but remember that damage now goes both ways.
System: By spending half of his maximum Willpower points and chanting for six hours (Stamina + Occult, Difficulty 8) the user may graft his consciousness onto the simulacrum. This effectively gives the replica halve of all his Traits (except his Virtues and Physical traits which start off at their maximum in both the caster and the simulacrum). However, every night the caster wakes, he regains 1 dot in each trait. The replica, however, does not regain any dots. It cannot gain experience either as it remains in a static learning state. Also, the doppelganger has no real independent thought and has no idea of who he is. When controlling the doppelganger, treat the circumstances as if the simulacrum was fully blood-bonded to the caster.
System: First of all the user must prepare the body with an eight hour chant (Stamina + Occult, Difficulty 9) At any time the caster may spend all his Willpower points and chant for nine seconds (Wits + Occult, Difficulty 9), transferring his mind onto the simulacrum. However the effort is so great that the user goes into torpor for a variable length of time (11 - Permanent Willpower = Duration in Nights). At this point the caster's former body becomes that of a simulacrum and will rot away in three to four minutes. A hidden effect of Switch, is that when the caster meets Final Death a natural safety mechanism kicks in, transferring his mind automatically to the nearest available body. However, because the thaumaturge goes through the experience of death he picks up a temporary derangement.