By Chris Granniss ( (11 August 1995)

The darned Fae under the bed won't let me stop feeding his Glamour, so I had to come up with another Art.

The Fae are known for their songs and the power of music. Legends of mermaids leading sailors to their doom and of screaming banshee come from this art. The prohibition on this art is that the caster must sing for the art to work in addition to any bunk he draws.

Attribute: Appearance

* Caught in a Melody: This cantrip allows the caster to stick someone else with a song and have that song replay over and over in the target's head. The affected loses concentration easily and is less perceptive as the song plays over and over again. The Changeling must whistle or sing a line of the song in addition to the Bunk used in order for the person to be caught. (A favorite tune used for this is the Manama Na from the Muppets) The afflicted is at half perception and wits for the duration. (Note: if the person starts humming the song where the Banality is low, this condition is infectious!!)

Actor - Determines who is affected
Fae - Determines who is affected
Nature - Determines what element you must have for the cantrip to work
Prop - Determines what must be held for the cantrip to work
Scene - Determines the area affected by the cantrip

Successes: Each success increases the amount of time the victim is afflicted with the repeating song.

1 success: 1 turn
2 successes: 10 minutes
3 successes: 1 hour
4 successes: 1 day
5 successes: 1 week (Check for Bedlam at this point!!!)

** Lure of the Siren: By use of this cantrip, the caster may enchant one or more people. Much like Grandeur, this power often causes people to fall in love with the Fae. The affected will make every effort to get close to the Fae with the intent of listening to him sing and will not notice anything going on around him. With enough successes, the affected would walk through fire to get to the Fae, just to listen to the song.

Realms: Determine who is affected

Actor: You can call mortals
Fae: You can call changelings and other enchanted creatures
Nature: What the subject must be touching
Prop: The object you must wield
Scene: Where you must be.

Successes: Successes indicate how thoroughly enthralled your subject is and how many successes it takes to break out of the spell (Diff. is the caster's Cha+Singing, with modifications for difficulty in reaching the singer)

*** Soothe the Savage Beast: This song gives the caster the ability to calm anyone. It can stop a rampaging animal or a frenzying Vampire or Garou (though for these, you better hope for an easy Bunk!!). They must roll their Banality (or Humanity or Rage) to resist (Diff. 8)

Realms: Determine who is affected.

Actor: You can calm mortals
Fae: You can call changelings and other enchanted creatures (included at the Fae level are other supernaturals)
Nature: What the subject must be touching
Prop: The object you must wield
Scene: Where you must be.

Successes: Successes indicate how quickly the person is calmed. (1 success = 5 turns; 5 successes = instantaneously).

**** Scream of the Banshee: This power requires the Changeling to make a godawful noise, though it must be nearly lyrical to work (Think bad heavy metal bands with no guitars). The power is offensive magic that either causes everyone to flee, stand shock still with terror or even become deaf from the piercing wail (causing Health level damage).

Realm: Indicates who is affected

Actor: You can affect mortals
Fae: You can affect changelings and other enchanted creatures
Nature: What the subject must be touching
Prop: The object you must wield
Scene: Where you must be.

Successes: Successes indicate how frightened the target becomes, and can be resisted by Banality (diff. 7) 1 success - the target is scared; 2 successes -- the target wishes to leave via the nearest possible exit; 3 successes -- the target runs blindly away from the sound; 4 successes -- The target is either scared stiff or faints dead away; 5 successes -- the target faints and takes damage (1 Health) from the piercing sound.

***** The Gift of the Bard: This is the most powerful of song magic. It allows the caster to rewrite history to his liking. The caster sings a song about the adventures that they had that day, and they become true. There must be a basis in truth for the song, but it may be embellished and changed a bit. The number of successes determines the degree to which reality conforms to the song. This power is truly phenomenal, because a creative and lucky songwriter can change nearly anything within the past day (or alternately, adventure). Use with caution.

Realms: Determine the thing, place or person your song affects.

Actor: Describes the subject of the song
Fae: Describes the subject of the song
Nature: Describes an element to be changed or subject of the change.
Prop: Describes an object affected by the song
Scene: Describes the place where the adventure took place..

Successes: Successes indicate how thouroughly reality can be changed.

1 success: means that minor events will conform to the new reality (The person was wearing a different set of earrings, etc.)
2 successes: A significant change can be made (Andy wasn't hurt at all in the fall he took (that actually cost him a broken leg)
3 Successes: A important thing can be changed (We soundly thrashed the bad guy, when he walked away cackling)
4 successes: A monumentous thing can be changed (We retrieved the Star of Asteroth -- its in the Pooka's purse!)
5 successes: An earth-shattering change can be made. (Candor was gravely injured by the sting of the Vampire's bite, but survived to fight another battle; in "reality", he died...)