The Spear of Destiny

By Gunther Draven (DTWIGG51@MAINE.MAINE.EDU) (12 May 1995)

The Spear of Destiny was the spear used to stab the One Above's son when he was crucified. The spear was stolen and carried by the apostles for many years until it was lost. during WWII, Hitler found the spear and began using it during political functions to rally his troops. In the hands of a hunter it is a powerful weapon indeed.

Difficulty: 7
Damage: 7 (aggravated against kindred)
Notes: Adds +3 to faith rating. In the hands of someone with a faith of five already then the spear can emanate a holy light which can send a vampire to frenzy (usable once per week). Its abilities will only function as long as the spear is drenched in kindred blood at least twice a year however.