Path of Dreams (Thaumaturgical Path)

By Crowley ( (26 July 1993)

Some notes: All these abilities require that the vitim or victims must be asleep. The spells must be cast just before the Vampire goes to sleep (the spell will put him to sleep for the duration of the effect automatically). Ony one level may be used a night, but that level can be used on different people as long as the cast has blood points to spend.

* The Dreaming: This ability allows the caster to enter the dreams of another and observe what goes on. He can not interact with anything, or be noticed by the dream's inhabitants. However, the dreamer may become aware that her dream has a watcher. She will never actually see the observer in either case.

SYSTEM: The caster must spend one blood point for each person whose dream he will enter. The dreamer must make a Willpower roll with a difficulty of 7 to notice she is being watched.

** Dream Lover: At this point, the caster has a small amount of control over the victim's dream. Specifically, the caster will appear as the dreamer's "dream lover". The caster will appear as whatever sex the dreamer finds more attractice. The direction the dream takes is entirly up to the caster.

SYSTEM: The caster can appear as someone else on a Willpower check against a 7 difficulty. The victim gets a Willpower-8 roll to resist and wake up. This costs 2 blood points to use.

*** Explorer of Dreams: The caster can now interact fully with the victim's dream. He can move items, but cannot cause any major changes. For example, he could run and snatch someone from the path of an oncoming train, but cannot just stop the train.

SYSTEM: The victim will not notice the caster until he makes himself known. This costs 3 blood points to use.

**** Dreamsharing: The caster can now take several people into one dream. The caster must chose the person whose dream they enter. The person whose dream they are in will not realize that the others are real people unless the sharing is voluntary.

SYSTEM: This ability costs 3 points per person. If one of the people is woken up, then everyone must check to see if they wake up.

***** Shaper of Dreams: This is the ultimate in dreaming abilities. The caster is now fully in control of the victim's dream. He can alter "reality" to his heart's content, but cannot control the dreamer herself.

SYSTEM: The caster must spend five blood points to use this ability. The victim must make a Willpower-9 check to wake up if the caster won't let her.