Time Bombs

By Anders Sandberg

Warps the spacetime in such a way that time passes much faster or slower in the vicinity of the bomb. The plus-bombs accelerate time inside, aging everything inside thousands or even millions of years. The aging effect is however slowed due to the fact that the objects inside the blast are frozen solid (from their perspective, time have stopped outside. This includes molecular motion and, so the outside world is near absolute zero. In a few seconds, the affected area is frozen.) The end result is often an area of icy, dust and rocks. The detonation of a plus bomb looks as a clear burst of intense light from the affected space (this is the energy leaving).

Minus-bombs are more common. They freeze time inside an area. The detonation creates a perfectly reflecting sphere around the target area. This sphere is impossible to penetrate, and will last for some time. The sphere is due to that no objects or energy can enter, since they slow down and stop. Air and light quickly build up, creating the sphere. When the effects fade, the sphere dissolves, and the enclosed area slowly returns to normal time. From the inside, there seems just to have been a short, intense burst of light. These bombs are used by the Technocracy to take out entire chantries, then deal with them when the effect wears off (perhaps after moving the sphere). As before, these weapons are never used near sleepers.