Via Singularis Virtus

(Road of Solitary Power)

By Brad Norquay (


Hierarch of Sins

Justification of Sins

  1. Cainites are the top of the food chain. We deserve power and powerful blood.

  2. We are the Angels of Death; it is our right to kill when needed. All will return in the cycle of existence.

  3. Revenge is a tool that will teach others proper manners when dealing with more powerful creatures. We must teach others for their next life.

  4. Overcoming ones fears and weaknesses makes us more powerful and brings us closer to perfection and enlightenment, the mythical transcendence.

  5. You are superior and with that you have no need to bow to someone who is unrespectable in power.

  6. As with before we must punish those who cause us unrest or loss so that they will learn for their next life.

  7. Settling down creates laziness and loss of interest in the world and its power. Do not allow what occurred to Saulot occur with yourself.

  8. There is no need to show respect to those who have not earned it, with power and wisdom comes respect. This is your goal.

  9. Misplaced trust can result in death or worse. Trust is a precious as blood and power. Do not trust many for you will surely falter and misplace it.

  10. You have no need to depend on others for you are the superior creature of the night. Let others depend upon you and you shall gain their respect. Self-dependence is the key to transcendence.